Moving through my life one repetition at a time.

Friday, January 30, 2015

The big hurdle

At this point I was struggling with what decision and direction to go. Do I try to solve this in a natural way or do I proceed with a reproductive endocrinologist? The reason for this was because I grew up in a household that used mostly alternative medicine since I was about ten years old. Western medicine and visits to a M.D. wasn't the norm in my family. My mother chose to take us to a chiropractor who was also a homeopathic doctor. In fact, I don't think I've even had an over the counter medicine in over 20 years except when I had my wisdom teeth out. I was really torn on whether I felt using heavy duty drugs to try to get pregnant. And I was really afraid of how particularly my mother would react. At this point she did not know of anything I was going through or any information about my condition.

I luckily was able to lean on my husband and the few friends who knew what was going on for advice. After one specific conversation with one of my best friends I was able to come to a conclusion. I was going to proceed with treatment and with the doctor who I had just met with. 

Now the hard part was ahead: tell my mother. Unfortunately, the timing of this decision was right before a major holiday and a big international delayed honeymoon with my husband. I went through around several ideas on how I would tell her including writing a letter but ultimately decided in person when I got back would be the best. 

I first told my sister, which is typically how I get a good feeling on how my parents will react on different things. I also knew my sister would support me in whatever decision I made. I then told my mom by stopping over her house for lunch. Except I had been battling a bad stomach bug all week so she ate I sat and hung out. After catching up since I hadn't seen her in a few weeks I finally broke down and told her what was going on. She of course was supportive but had lots of questions. Mostly questions of the risks involved and other things I've done to try to fix the issue which had included six months of several homeopathic methods which didn't seem to make one difference at all. I explained to her that I was tired of spinning my wheels and spending a bunch of money on natural treatments that didn't seem to be working at all. I was ready to try something different and I was willing to make the sacrifices I knew I had to in order to start a family. She thankfully understood my decision and even volunteered to attend the injection training the following week with my incase I needed help with administering the medicine. That was probably the best feeling in the world at that time. I felt so much better after having this hurdle out of the way and this talk off my chest. 

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