Moving through my life one repetition at a time.

Saturday, January 31, 2015

....and we're off!

My first step in this process was to first do another progesterone challenge. I then was told to order my prescription medicine for when we would begin simulating my ovaries with FSH and LH to help me have a cycle. Unfortunately, neither my prescriptions nor any infertility treatments were covered by my insurance so all of our costs after diagnoses were out of pocket. Because of this we opted to find the cheapest route for the prescription medicine. The doctor was able to send me to a common website where a lot of his patients bought prescriptions from overseas in the UK.   So I ordered the very expensive medication from this website and realized there was no turning back now!

This time on progesterone I took a different type of medicine in hopes that my period would appear. Ten days later nothing happened, no aunt flow. So I called the doctor they said to come in for an ultrasound to check everything out. My husband and I went to the doctor’s appointment. The doctor said everything looked good and that the reason I didn't have a period was due to the condition I had. He said it was time to start me on the hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) injections.  I was glad I had injection training earlier that week as I was instructed to start injections that night! At this time a lot of emotion came over me including excitement and apprehension. We were actually starting this journey and this was all becoming very real.

I knew the first injection would have to be done by my mother in order for me to get comfortable on how it would feel. I knew my husband giving me the injection was not an option as he was not good with needles what so ever. I was told to administer my medication between the hours of 6 – 10pm. I decided for the first one it would be easiest to get it out of the way and do it right at 6pm. So at 6pm we traveled over to my parents’ house with my medicine and needles.  I mixed the medicine and then changed the syringe needle. I numbed the upper hip area on my right side with an ice cube for the injection. My mom wiped off the area with an alcohol swap and performed the injection. This procedure was actually not as bad as I thought it might have been. It kind of stung as the medicine was injected but other than that I immediately walked around after the needle was removed in hope that I would get the muscle moving and relaxed again.  I then went on with the rest of my evening and didn't even notice what was done to me.

The first injection was down. I had three more days of the same procedures and then I was going back to the doctor for an ultrasound to see how I was responding to the medicine. And at this time I was absolutely limited on my activity. I was only walking and doing yoga as I didn't want anything to happen to my ovaries on accident and I figured I spent all this money on medicine and doctor appointments I better do everything in my power to ensure it works! 

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